Where do I begin to tell the story? That’s a great song from an old movie, and I’m sure it’s a question we all ask before we begin to share our stories. But rather than give you the standard professional resume or history of my childhood years, let’s cut to the chase with a glimpse of what I’m about and why I care so much about storytelling.

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication. We create stories to convey a message, share life experiences, and to make sense of our place in the world. I’d have to say that my curiosity for crafting stories began at a very young age. Being adopted at birth set the stage for a life marked by curiosity, a deep need to explore, and the eventual acceptance of living within the questions. There is so much from my personal story that has led me to my endeavors, and if I give you all the details now, you won’t buy my memoir when it comes out! And yes, include tongue in cheek humor to my portfolio.

My literary storytelling adventure began after publishing my children’s book, Nature’s Angels, dedicated to my four grandchildren. The story follows a grandparent and child as they wander through nature admiring beauty and wonder in an imaginative way, in hopes to inspire a new generation to connect with nature through exploration and curiosity.

Soon after writing the book, I began exploring my own connection to the natural world, so I put down my pen and picked up a hiking pole for a new adventure as a nature guide, leading folks throughout the red rock trails of Sedona,
Arizona. Meeting people from all walks of life from across the globe, I began to appreciate the connections we make when we share our stories. There’s no better way to get to know someone than to share the trail together. This experience opened a new path for me to combine my love of nature and writing, leading writing workshops to explore storytelling while deepening our connection to the natural world.

“Storytelling is the Heart of our Nature”

After years of exploration, I finally became comfortable with not having all the pieces to my life’s puzzle. However, all those trails of curiosity led me on so many wonder filled adventures fueled by a desire to find connection. So, it only makes sense that my work today centers around connection; connection to one another, connection to Nature, and connecting through the art of storytelling.

Whether I’m engaged in a one-on-one client session, producing an episode for my podcast, writing a poem, or leading women’s retreats, this desire to build connection is at the root of my endeavors. Particularly looking beyond roles or labels and especially any old stories we may continue to carry with us. Storytelling is a great connector for sure, but it can also get in the way of personal growth if we cling to all the made up stories we tell ourselves.

“We may be a collection of our life stories, but we are so much more than a narrative.”

My storytelling journey continues to lead me to new places. In my current role as President-Elect of Women Writing the West, a wonderful organization of multi-talented women writers, I’m honored to join the effort in elevating women’s voices through the art of storytelling. 

Well, that’s this chapter of my story folks; all these adventurous trails led me here to encourage you to tap into the wisdom of your life experiences, take hold of the pen and find your voice so you can explore and share your stories. 



LET'S CONNECT @suziviewz