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Suzi Minor February Knows

February Knows

February knows why the clouds hover over the mountains in their dramatic way
Showing up late to the party with snow showers from last month’s delay
February knows the squeeze of being the middle child of the season
Laboring in-between wondrous Winter and the birth of Spring
Second to none, shortest of days, there is no celebration here
Only a short-lived mention of love that draws us closer for a day

February knows her days are numbered

Yet she lingers like an unwanted guest who’s overstayed her welcome
February knows we’ll soon forget her intolerant cool presence
As we discard her like a fallen tree and watch her turn slowly into the past
With all our wants and needs buried deep within our frozen bones
February knows that our longing for warmth never ends
Yet she’ll test our resolve with one more blasted chill

Until our focus shifts upon the early rising sun, stretching the days into more light
Lending us a hint of Spring reflected upon the disappearing dew

And we’ll glance over our shoulder with a slanted smile knowing what February knows

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